Foot care tips in summer

Friday, August 9, 2019

Foot care tips in summer

Summer can be hard for your feet. We tend to be more active and wear shoes that are lighter, both liberating and comfortable, but can also expose your feet to increased risk. Without a doubt, walking barefoot, wearing flip-flops and wearing light sandals is fantastic, so here are the simple steps to keep your summer feet healthy and fabulous during the hot season.

- Avoid walking barefoot. Going outside without shoes in the summer increases the risk of foot injuries. It also increases the chances of developing warts on the soles of the feet (plantar warts), ringworm (a fungus) and other infections, according to the American Association of Medical Podiatry (APMA).

- Wear the right socks. Acrylic and synthetic blend socks prevent perspiration from causing fungal infections. "Any moisture is the ideal environment for the growth of a mushroom," said Elizabeth Kurtz, DPM, Chicago Podiatrist and APMA spokesperson.

- Avoid bubbles. Sandals often cause blisters to the feet when rubbed against bare skin. If you feel a bubble penetrate the body, use pads like a taupe skin or a liquid bandage to reduce friction, Dr. Kurtz advises.

- Give air to your feet. If possible, avoid wearing closed shoes during the summer months. Go with sandals or open shoes. "I also recommend taking the shoes off regularly during the day so that your feet stay out of breath," said Kurtz. This will help keep your feet dry and sweat free.

- Stay hydrated. According to APMA, drinking plenty of water on summer days will minimize swelling of the feet due to heat.

- Use sunscreen. Remember to use sunscreen on the exposed parts of your feet in summer. Make sure to reapply after sweating or sweating a lot, even if the sunscreen is "waterproof". Use a 15 SPF sunscreen or more to protect against skin cancer and premature skin aging.

- Hydrate. "Your feet are drier in summer because you do not always wear stockings," says Kurtz. To keep your feet soft, apply moisturizer in the morning after showering (to block moisture) and in the evening.

- Evaluate the wear of your flip flops. Flip flops can cause foot and ankle pain. However, it is not necessary to completely avoid slippers in summer. "Some flip flops are better than others," says Kurtz. "Choose styles that offer good support for bow and heel." Also avoid traveling long distances.

- Add cushioning to summer shoes. "Summer sandals and delicate sandals often have thin soles, cushioning and minimal footrests," says Kurtz. Use padded inserts to provide extra support. The inserts are available at shoe stores and in many pharmacies.

- Wear the right shoes for the activity. Some activities such as sailing, climbing and other sports require specific footwear for optimal foot health and safety. Plan ahead and wear appropriate shoes.

- Keep shoes and socks dry. If your shoes and socks get wet, remove them and dry them thoroughly before putting them back on; This will protect against fungal infections. Carry an extra pair for water rides or when the forecast indicates that it is raining.

- Clean your feet after water activities. Wash your feet with clean water after swimming or swimming in a lake or river. Similarly to trample puddles. "The stagnant waters of lakes, rivers and puddles often contain bacteria that could cause foot infections," Kurtz advises.

- Get a pedicure. For beautiful summer feet, take a pedicure at home or hire a professional. In addition to making your nails attractive, a pedicure can remove scaly skin in the winter, clean your feet and help you relax.

- Remove the enamel periodically. Covering your nails with nail polish throughout the summer can be harmful to your nails. Periodically remove the enamel to give air to the bed.

- Inspect your old shoes. Worn and shredded shoes can cause blisters. Examine the sandals and flip-flops of the previous summer and discard the ones you have eaten. If in doubt, eliminate them. At least you will have an excuse to buy shoes!

By paying attention and realizing how easy it is to damage your feet, you'll avoid the problems of sore arches, broken fingers, toenail pain, ankle pain and even foot cramps. wearing unsupported shoes, such as sandals and slippers.

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